The Launch: Lesson 4


Genesis 22:1-14

The Lord will provide...”

What is Worship?

* The Biblical act of worship is actually very different from the musical performances and concerts we see today. Worship is sacrifice. When you think of worship, you probably don’t have an image of sheep and cows being sacrificed in public, but up until Christ, that is what worship looked like. Sadly, many Christians today have turned worship into a product, and they go to church like a consumer looking for the product they like. There is no personal sacrifice at stake. In this lesson, I want to challenge us to start looking at worship differently.

      The most incredible example of worship in the Bible is found in Genesis 22, when Abraham is told to offer his son Isaac as an offering to God. It seems obscene, until you see it through the lens of the gospel. God is calling Abraham to picture something He is going to do with His son Jesus. Abraham understood this on some level and explains it to his son Isaac.

Genesis 22:8

“God will provide for himself the lamb…”

     How could a father get up early in the morning and set out to perform such a task? It is only possible once a person understands what we have learned over the last few lessons. When I realize who I am compared to who He is, and that He loved me anyway, my love ought to compel me to sacrifice everything for Him. In the last lesson, we concluded by reading Luke 14:26-27, how could we ever “hate” the people we love most? This is what discipleship looks like. Worship requires sacrifice.

2Samuel 24:24

“I will not offer burnt offerings to the Lord my God that cost me nothing.”

Maybe this is making you second guess being a disciple of Christ… That’s okay! In fact, that is the point.

Luke 14:28

“…sit down and count the cost.”

Luke 14:33

“Anyone who does not renounce all cannot be my disciple…”

How could anyone sacrifice all? Because He did. Before Christ asked you to sacrifice anything, He sacrificed everything, and did it with joy. 

  • What alternative is worthy of my sacrifice?
  • What has serving myself achieved?
  • Do I like what I see in the self-centered world around me?
  • Can anything else offer “good and acceptable and perfect”?

John 6:66-68

“Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”

     The reality is that the world is full of people who are trying to find fulfillment in their lives. They are craving purpose, satisfaction, and genuine love, all the things that only Christ delivers. We all know a “use to” Christian, someone who use to go to church, use to serve in a church, or even use to believe in God, but no longer does. Sometimes, this can make us question if God really does deliver on His promises of joy and fulfillment. I mean, why didn’t it work for them, right? 

Matthew 6:24

“No one can serve twomasters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other.”

In a very real way, this is the time to decide if you really want to continue as a disciple. These truths have resulted in many others turning away from Jesus, and aren’t taught in many churches for that very reason, but everyone must choose…

Mark 15:12

“What shall I do with the man you call the King of the Jews?”

There are no part-time Christians. So the questions is are you ALL IN?

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